It is widely acknowledged that the financial requirements of individuals differ based on their unique circumstances. Consequently, investors adopt diverse investment strategies that align with their distinct financial goals. While some investors opt for lump-sum investments, others prefer a systematic investment plan (SIP) to stagger their investments. Similarly, some investors prioritize capital growth, while others seek regular income from their investments. In order to cater to the varied investment preferences of investors, fund houses provide a range of tools and facilities. One such facility is the Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP), which offers a number of benefits to investors. This article provides essential insights into the SWP, highlighting key considerations that investors should take into account.

What is SWP?

The Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is a financial tool offered to investors by mutual fund schemes that permits them to make regular withdrawals of a fixed amount. Investors have the flexibility to determine the frequency and amount of withdrawals according to their individual requirements. Additionally, investors can opt to withdraw only the gains earned on their investment while keeping their initial invested capital intact. On the specified withdrawal date, units from the investor’s portfolio are sold, and the corresponding funds are transferred to their account.

Here are some important features of an SWP:

  1. Flexibility in frequency: Investors have the liberty to choose the frequency of withdrawals based on their financial needs and goals. They can opt for weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annual withdrawals.
  2. Choice of amount: Investors can also decide on the amount they wish to withdraw per installment. They can either withdraw a fixed amount or choose to withdraw only the capital appreciation earned on their investments.
  3. Ideal for regular income: The SWP is particularly advantageous for investors who are seeking a regular source of income from their investments. It can serve as an excellent tool for meeting regular expenses such as rent, utility bills, and other essential expenditures.

Benefits of a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)

Tax Benefits


Investors seeking regular income from their investments have two options: the Dividend option of a scheme or a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP). When an investor chooses the Dividend option, the fund house distributes dividends and deducts a Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) at the source, currently levied at a rate of 10 percent. Once the dividend is received by the investor, they are not expected to pay any further tax on it.

Alternatively, investors can opt for an SWP, where no tax is deducted at the source. However, capital gains tax will be applicable as per the type of the scheme and the amount of withdrawal. It is important for investors to assess their tax implications carefully while choosing between the two options, and select the option that best aligns with their financial goals and tax planning strategies

Rupee Cost Averaging

One of the key benefits of investing in mutual funds through installment purchases or redemptions is Rupee Cost Averaging. This is especially important in volatile markets, where the timing of selling all units together becomes crucial for realizing good profits. If the sale is made during a slump, profits can be adversely affected.

In contrast, when an investor opts for an SWP, a fixed number of units are redeemed regularly. This means that redemptions may occur when markets are high or low. When the markets are performing well, fewer units are redeemed, and vice versa. This averaging of returns protects investors from potential losses that may arise if they were to sell units during a bear market.

In essence, the SWP facilitates a disciplined and systematic approach to investing that helps to minimize risks and maximize returns over the long term. It is important for investors to carefully consider their investment goals and market conditions before deciding to opt for a SWP.

Also, read, Factors to Consider Before Investing in Mutual Funds for Beginners

Ideal in a Bull Run 

In a bull market, most investments tend to offer great returns. However, if an investor has opted for an SWP with an annual withdrawal amount that is lesser than the returns generated by the scheme, their investment can last much longer, even in a bear market. This is because the investor is able to withdraw gains generated during the bullish phase, thereby preserving their invested capital.

Furthermore, by pocketing the gains generated during the bullish phase, investors can potentially benefit from market volatility, and utilize these gains to make further investments during market downturns. This approach can help investors to take advantage of market cycles and optimize their long-term returns.

Investment Discipline 

Similar to how a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) helps investors adopt a disciplined approach to investing, a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) can help investors avoid the temptation to withdraw large amounts due to panic when markets correct themselves.

By setting a fixed withdrawal amount at regular intervals, investors can avoid making hasty decisions during market downturns, and stay invested for the long term. This disciplined approach helps to reduce the impact of market volatility on the investor’s portfolio and ultimately enhances their overall returns.


In conclusion, it is evident that a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is a valuable tool that investors can utilize to achieve their financial goals. Whether you are a novice or an experienced investor, an SWP can be an effective way to create a regular source of secondary income, create your own pension, or protect your capital. By keeping this tool in mind while creating your financial plan, you can reap the benefits of regular income while avoiding the pitfalls of market volatility. Therefore, it is recommended that investors consider an SWP as an important element of their investment strategy.