A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a disciplined approach to investing in mutual funds. Under this investment method, an investor selects a mutual fund scheme and invests a fixed amount at regular intervals, typically monthly or quarterly.

SIP allows investors to invest in mutual funds in a more structured manner, by making smaller investments over a period of time rather than investing a large sum of money at once. This approach can help to reduce the impact of market volatility on an investor’s portfolio, as the cost of purchasing units of the mutual fund scheme will be averaged out over time.

The goal of SIP is to encourage disciplined and regular investing, with the aim of building wealth over the long term. By investing small amounts at regular intervals, investors can benefit from the power of compounding, which can result in higher returns over time.

How Does SIP Work?

Once an investor has applied for one or more SIP plans, the investment amount is automatically debited from their bank account and invested in the mutual funds they have selected at the predetermined time intervals. At the end of each day, the investor is allocated units of the mutual fund based on the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the mutual fund.

In India, with every investment in a SIP plan, additional units are added to the investor’s account based on the prevailing market rate. As the amount being reinvested is larger with each investment, the potential return on those investments can be higher over time.

Investors can choose to receive the returns at the end of the SIP’s tenure or at a periodic interval, depending on their preference. With SIPs, investors can enjoy the benefits of regular investing, compounded returns, and the convenience of automated investments without the need for regular monitoring or intervention.

Also, Read it – Factors to Consider Before Investing in Mutual Funds for Beginners

When to Invest in SIP?

A systematic Investment Plan or SIP is a widely popular investment method in India as it offers convenience and flexibility to investors. Investors can start investing in mutual funds with a small amount of money and make regular investments at fixed intervals.

The beauty of SIP is that an investor can start investing at any time as per his/her financial goals, ensuring minimum risk with the right suitable scheme plan. However, it is crucial for an investor to choose the scheme that aligns well with his/her long-term goals. Therefore, there is no specific time frame within which an investor should start a SIP investment plan. It is always advisable to start investing as soon as possible, as the earlier the investment, the higher the returns in the long run.

Types of SIP 

·         Top-up SIP

The Top-up SIP option is a beneficial feature that allows investors to increase their investment amount periodically in mutual funds. By opting for this feature, investors can make the most out of their investments by investing in the best-performing funds at regular intervals.

Investors can choose to increase their investment amount either by a fixed amount or by a certain percentage at pre-determined intervals. This feature is particularly useful for those investors who expect their income to rise in the future or who have a lump sum amount to invest at a later date.

By regularly increasing the investment amount through the Top-up SIP, investors can potentially earn higher returns and achieve their financial goals faster. It is important to note that investors should carefully consider their financial goals and risk appetite before opting for this feature.

Flexible SIP

A Flexible Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) offers investors the flexibility to adjust the amount they want to invest in a mutual fund scheme. This means an investor can choose to increase or decrease the amount of their investment as per their financial needs and preferences.

This flexibility in SIP investment allows investors to adjust their investment amounts to suit their changing cash flow needs. For instance, if they have a high cash flow, they can choose to invest more, and if they have a low cash flow, they can opt to invest less.

This makes it easier for investors to stay invested in a mutual fund scheme for the long term, without having to worry about committing to a fixed amount of investment. The flexibility of the plan allows investors to maintain their investments in a more controlled and sustainable manner, thereby helping them achieve their long-term financial goals.

 Perpetual SIP 

Perpetual SIP is an extension of the regular SIP plan, which allows investors to continue investing for an indefinite period without any fixed end date. It is a great option for investors who have long-term financial goals and want to continue investing regularly without the hassle of renewing their SIP plans at the end of a fixed period.

The advantage of a perpetual SIP plan is that it provides flexibility and convenience to investors. There is no need to keep track of the end date of the SIP plan, and investors can continue to invest in their chosen mutual fund scheme without any interruption. Additionally, perpetual SIP plans also allow investors to withdraw their investment amount as per their financial needs.

Benefits of Investing in SIP

 Makes You a Disciplined Investor

A systematic Investment Plan or SIP is an investment option that offers several benefits to investors.

It is an excellent choice for investors who do not possess superior financial knowledge about market movements and are looking for a hassle-free investment option.

 Unlike lump sum investments, SIP ensures that investors work actively towards making their investments grow because of the periodicity.

The best part of investing in a SIP is that investors do not have to spend their time analyzing the market movements or the right time to invest.

 Once the amount is auto-deducted from the investor’s account and invested in the mutual funds at predetermined intervals, investors can sit back and relax.

Rupee Cost Averaging Factor

Rupee cost averaging is one of the biggest advantages of investing through a SIP. This investment strategy helps you take advantage of market volatility in a disciplined manner. With SIP, you invest a fixed amount at regular intervals, and as a result, rupee cost averaging helps you buy more units when the market is down and fewer units when the market is up.

This approach can lower your average cost per unit over the long term. The result is that even if the market is volatile, you will be able to minimize the impact of short-term fluctuations and benefit from long-term gains. With SIP, you can reap the rewards of long-term investing while minimizing the risks associated with short-term market volatility.

Power Of Compounding

  • A systematic and disciplined approach to investing is important for achieving long-term financial goals. SIP is one such method that enables investors to invest in mutual funds regularly and in a disciplined manner. By automating the investment process, SIP ensures that investors constantly strive to grow their investments, unlike lump sum investments where they may forget to invest at times.
  • SIP enables investors to start with a small investment and build a large corpus over time, with the help of compounded returns. Using Datesfinserve SIP Calculator, let’s assume an investment of Rs. 1000 per month with an average return of 10% over 20 years. The total amount grows to Rs. 7,18,259 due to the compounding effect, highlighting the significant growth potential of SIP investments.


To sum up, a systematic investment plan or SIP is a popular and effective investment tool for those who seek to build their wealth steadily over time. It allows investors to invest a fixed amount of money in mutual funds at regular intervals, thus providing a disciplined approach to investing. The flexibility of SIP plans makes them suitable for investors of different income levels and goals, and the rupee cost averaging feature helps to mitigate market volatility. Additionally, the automation of the investment process makes it easier for investors to stay committed to their investment goals. Overall, SIP is an excellent way to begin investing for those who seek steady growth of their wealth over a long period of time.